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        Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      A Letter to Changzhou-bound Travelers Entering China via Shanghai
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      Dear friends,

      Welcome back home. The journey must not have been easy.

      Through the joint efforts of the people of Changzhou, major progress has been made in the city’s epidemic prevention and control against COVID-19. However, the situation continues to be severe as the virus increases its spread around the world. We all must do our part to restrict this virus, and fight against this epidemic. Please follow the information below to keep the city safe.

      1. Follow the guidance of our staff and take the designated vehicle to the Huaqiao International Expo Center in Kunshan, Suzhou. Please keep your face mask on during the whole trip and complete the Passenger Information Form for Jiangsu-bound Travelers.

      2. There will be a short break at the Center, during which control measures including recording your body temperature and you formally declaring your health conditions will take place. You will be then picked up by a vehicle provided by the Changzhou Foreign-related Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Group in Kunshan.

      3. On the designated vehicle back to Changzhou, please find a seat according to our staff’s instructions, keep your mask on and take necessary personal protective measures during the whole trip. After arriving at your destination, please strictly abide by the regulations on epidemic prevention and control, and cooperate with the local government in implementing their various control measures.

      4. Those who refuse to cooperate or deliberately conceal their travel history, their contact with any confirmed cases or their own illnesses shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, provided that they cause spread of the epidemic and endanger public safety.

      5. Pay attention to the Municipal Government’s updates on COVID-19 and the relevant prevention and control measures. If you have any questions, please contact the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office at 0519-85683353.

      For your safety and health and that of your families, we hope to have your understanding for following these prevention and control measures. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Wish you and your families good health and a pleasant journey.

      Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government

      March 12, 2020


      Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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