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        Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      A Letter to Foreign Friends in Changzhou
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      Dear foreign friends in Changzhou,

      We would like to extend greetings to you and your family during the Spring Festival.      

      The CPC Central Committee and the State Council are highly concerned about the novel coronavirus, and have taken comprehensive and effective measures to prevent and control the current epidemic. The CPC Changzhou Municipal Committee and the Municipal People’s Government care about the safety of expats in Changzhou and will provide you with the necessary assistance in face of the epidemic. To guarantee the efficiency of our preventive and control work, we would like to make the following suggestions.

      1. Pay attention to officially released information.

      Pay close attention to the officially released information of the epidemic situation from the Chinese government. Keep up to date on information on designated hospitals, and prevention and control guidance. Take protective measures for the health and safety of you and your family.

      2. Look for assistance in a timely fashion.

      You may call 85683343, 18915065022 or 13775223311 (24-hour hotline of Changzhou Municipal Foreign Affairs Office for expats) for information and assistance.

      3. Minimize outdoor activities and avoid crowded places.

      Wear a mask correctly if you have to go outside. Do not host or attend any parties or group activities.       

      4. Keep good personal hygiene.

      Keep good personal hygiene and clean your hands in a timely manner.  Open a window to ventilate the room if weather permits. Avoid close contact with any wild animals or live birds. Foods like meat and eggs should be cooked thoroughly.

      5. Seek treatment in a timely manner.

      Pay close attention to your physical conditions. Your cooperation is highly appreciated when government or community officials and healthcare professionals come to ask for your information. Go to designated medical institutions (see attachment) immediately should suspicious symptoms such as fever, cough, chest distress and feebleness occur.

      Dear foreign friends, we are confident that through our joint efforts, we will win the battle against this epidemic.      

      Thanks for your support and cooperation.


      Changzhou Municipal Foreign Affairs Office

                                 February 4, 2020


      Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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