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      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      State Council executive meeting calls for greater efforts for policy implementation to bolster economic recovery and growth
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      At a State Council executive meeting held on September 21, Premier Li Keqiang heard a report on the ninth round of the State Council's accountability inspection. He called for greater efforts in policy implementation to bolster the recovery and growth of the economy.

      The meeting noted the recent ninth round of accountability inspection by the State Council in some localities. The inspection focused on supervising and inspecting local efforts in stabilizing economic performance and meeting people's basic needs. It was conducted mainly through unannounced visits.

      The list of identified problems will be sent to related local governments, institutions and departments to ensure they are rectified and to prevent similar occurrences.

      The task forces supervising and assisting efforts to stabilize overall economic performance should better align their work with the accountability inspection and continue to coordinate the resolution of problems.

      Policy measures to boost investment and consumption will be advanced on a priority basis, such as fiscal, taxation and financial support for key infrastructure projects and the upgrading of equipment.

      Localities are urged to fulfill their responsibilities in stabilizing the economy and meeting people's basic needs. Economically strong provinces should play a leading role and work together to consolidate the foundation for economic stability and promote recovery and growth.

      The meeting also decided that a list of high-demand government services that affect a wide range of sectors and are accessed in relatively concentrated time frames will be set up, covering all key stages in the life cycles of businesses and individuals.

      Noting that transportation and logistics are the lifeline of a market economy, the meeting stressed the need to keep transportation and logistics smooth and enhance policy support.

      The meeting also adopted a draft revision of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China and decided to submit the draft to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation.


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