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      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      Changzhou Hydrogen Valley set to power the future of energy
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      Changzhou announced the blueprint of its Hydrogen Valley at the end of January, adding a new engine for the city’s goal of becoming the capital of new energy industries.

      Hydrogen - the primary fuel of stars and the most abundant element in the universe - has the potential to be the ultimate energy carrier for emission-free energy.

      A hydrogen valley is essentially a project that clusters several industrial and research initiatives to carry out pilot projects across the complete hydrogen value chain, including production, storage, transport, and end use.

      The Changzhou Hydrogen Valley is located in the core area of the Twin Lakes Innovation Zone between the West Taihu and Changdang Lakes. With a planning area of about 2 square kilometers, the project’s first-phase construction covers some 2.26 hectares, including a 60,000-square-meter large international community for innovation and incubation.

      As of this update, the West Haihu Sci-Tech Industrial Park has signed contracts with eight hydrogen projects, with the total investment exceeding 1.3 billion yuan.


      Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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