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        Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      Statistical Communique of Changzhou on the 2016 Local Economic and Social Development-XI
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      XI. Population, People’s Livelihood and Social Security

      The local population remained stable. By end of 2016, there were 4.708 million permanent residents with a year-on-year growth of 0.1%, among which 3.343 million were urban residents. And the urbanization rate reached 71%. The total number of registered residents grew by 1.1% to 3.749 million, among which 1.852 million were males, up by 0.9% whereas 1.897 million were females, up by 1.3%. The birth rate and death rate of the registered residents stood at 9.93‰ and 6.06‰ respectively, with a natural population growth rate of 3.87‰.

      Employment and entrepreneurship were constantly promoted. In 2016, 134,000 persons were newly employed, 51,000 laid-off workers were reemployed, 15,000 persons started their own business with government support, 11,000 disadvantaged persons became employed with government aids, and 522 disabled persons were arranged with jobs by the local government. The end-of-year registered urban unemployment rate was 1.85%.

      People’s incomes were on a steady rise. In 2016, the per capita disposable income of local residents grew by 8.6% to 38,435 RMB. The per capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 7.8% to 46,058 RMB while that of rural residents grew by 8.5% to 23,780 RMB. The ratio of the urban residents’ income to the rural residents’ income stood at 1.94:1. The per capita spending in 2016 grew by 7.9% to 23,980 RMB. The per capita spending of urban residents rose by 6.8% to 27,080 RMB whereas that of rural residents grew by 12.2% to 16,567 RMB. The Engel Coefficient of urban residents and rural residents stood at 27.2% and 30.8%, down by 0.8% and 0.9% respectively over 2015.

      CPI grew at a mild pace. The city’s general Consumer Price Index (CPI) stood at 102.5. Among the eight categories of consumer goods, six witnessed price hikes while two registered price drops. To be more specific, the prices of food & cigarettes & liquors, garments, housing, consumer goods & services, health care and other goods & services grew by 3.6%, 3.3%, 1.9%, 2.5%, 12.6% and 2.6% respectively. And the prices of transportation & telecommunications and entertaining/educational/cultural goods & services dropped by 1.3% and 0.4%.

      Efforts to provide security housing were enhanced. In 2016, 27,440 new security housing units were started and 27,476 units were basically completed. 1,151 new households enjoyed public rental housing, among which 829 households were given rental housing units directly while 322 households received rental subsidies. The threshold for households to qualify for public rental housing and affordable housing was lowered to below 3,560 RMB per month (per capita disposable income of a household).

      Social security was on a steady rise. By end of 2016, 1.379 million local residents were covered by the enterprise employee’s endowment insurance system, up by 3.1% over 2015. 1.93 million residents were covered by the urban workers’ basic medical insurance system, up by 2.5%. And 1.116 million residents were covered by the urban unemployment insurance system, up by 2.7%. The three major insurance systems (endowment insurance, medical insurance and unemployment insurance) covered 98% of the total population. In addition, the average pension for enterprise retirees grew by 4.1% to 2,143 RMB.

      Social welfare continued to improve. The city’s subsistence allowance continued to rise in 2016. The subsistence allowance for residents in Tianning District, Zhonglou District, Xinbei District and Wujin District was raised to 730 RMB per month. And that for residents in Jintan District and Liyang County-city stood at 670 RMB per month. In 2016, 19,584 households and 32,229 persons were covered by the local subsistence allowance network, among which were 6,738 urban households & 10,679 urban persons and 12,846 rural households & 21,550 rural persons. A total subsistence allowance of 190 million RMB was handed out. Also in 2016, 274,000 residents received direct medical aids of 61.898 million RMB. By end of 2016, there were 102 aged care institutions with 22,009 beds, accommodating 12,615 persons. The sales volume of lottery tickets throughout the year hit 1.143 billion RMB.


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