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      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      City Construction
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        City Construction
        Since the implementation of the reform and open-up policy, Changzhou has changed a lot not only in the living environment, but also in the image outside. The achievements of the city construction of Changzhou can be concluded as “ten great changes”.
        1.Larger Scale
        The limited central space has been the obstacle to the urban development of Changzhou. In 2006, we turned the strategy of “one body with two wings” into “connect the south and the north, combine the three cities”. Based on the promotion of the central area, the government accelerated the new downtown area construction both in the southern and northern Changzhou, which effectively enlarged the development space of the city and expanded the city scale. The length of span from the south to the north became 15 km longer, increased from 30km to 45km. The built-up area was extended from 150km2 in 2005 to 230km2. People who come to Changzhou all feel the larger scale of the city.
        3. Better Highway Construction
        Taking the regional traffic hub city construction and “jamless” city as the objective, Changzhou has been striving in the infrastructure construction of highway. By the end of 2009, the total highway length reached 7,479 km with the density of 170 km per hundred square kilometers. It was successively 34.9% and 34.5% increased than that in 2005. The new highway was 104 km and the traffic mileage of the highway reached 221 km. The newly built national and provincial main road was 204 km and the country road was increased by 1,629 km. All of these formed the “2 vertical and 4 horizontal” highway network and the grand circumferential of the national and provincial roads, which opened up the thoroughfares from the south to the north while the first phase of the urban overhead was built. The urban transportation management of Changzhou reached the first level among all the A-class cities in China.
        4. Beautiful Streets
        The Changzhou government implemented the three-year plan of the comprehensive improvement of the city appearance environment. All the poles and wires of the 99 main streets in the main city area were moved underground. The 74 major roads and 388 lanes in the urban area were generally rebuilt. The general scenic roads of the city basically reached the objective of “clear traffic, beautiful streets and nice sceneries”. The city appearance was thoroughly changed and a modernized city was fully presented to the public.
        5. Opened-up Parks
        With the principle of “forestation and culture”, and with the requirement of “One Park One Theme, One Park One Feature”, a number of parks and green belts have been reconstructed or newly built, such as Hongmei Park, Chungui Garden, Yuxiu Garden, Qiangwei Wetland Park, Xinqu Park, Lotus Garden, Qingfeng Park, Dongpo Park and Weidun Park, etc. All the parks which used to charge were changed into free. Hongmei Park became the National 4-A Tourist Spot and the National Key Park. The number of parks in Changzhou reached 57, covering 760 hectares. 
        6. Promoted Food Markets
        Since 2007, three years were spent in restructuring all the foods markets in Changzhou by categories and stages, which promoted the comprehensive upgrade of the food markets. By the end of 2009, the reconstruction of all the 103 food markets was finished. Large markets can cover the demands of people living within 1,000 meters, while medium and small markets can cover 500 meters. Most food markets were equipped with electronic signs, mechanic ventilation and security monitoring. The daily casual inspection for agricultural products was carried out. Those which could not pass the pesticide residue test would be firmly driven out of the market.
        7. Cleaner Public Latrines
        As for the previous situation of public latrines, such as small amount, scattering distribution, low standard, simple equipments, bad hygienic conditions, inconvenience and charging, Changzhou built 21 new public latrines during 2006-2007, and carried forward the 3-year plan of “distribution optimization, reconstruction improvement” of all public latrines in 2008. In 2009, the number of public latrines reached 801, 150 more than that in 2005. The situation of public latrines in Changzhou has been obviously changed and all are free to citizens.
        8. Convenient Bus Services
        Changzhou went great length to develop the strategy of "Bus Priority". The ticket price for all types of bus is RMB 1, and for IC card users it is 40% off, for students 70% off, for the elderly of 60-69 years old 50% off, and for those above 70 free. There is also a charity fund for the workers who lived a poor life to pay the bus ticket. 246 bus lines were successively integrated, which covers all the urban areas and suburban villages. The number of new buses reached 1,170, with more than 62.4% air-conditioned. The bus dispatching rate was increased from 8.9% to 25.5%. Bus Rapid Transit Line 1, Line 2 and the six branch lines were constructed with the daily passenger flow volume of 260,000 personnel, which was 1/4 of the total.  
        9. Greener City
        Through years of large-scale greening projects, Changzhou has basically realized the goals of making “National and Provincial HighwaysGreen Channels” and “Exits and Crossings Green Windows”. During recent years, the accumulative area of newly added greenbelts in urban and rural areas of the city achieved 10,382 hectares, larger than the total green spaces constructed between the year of liberation and 2005. Currently, Changzhou's green coverage made 42.2%, with the green area of 5,118.3 hectares; the rate of green spaces reached 38.2%; and the per-capita public green space achieved 12.3 square meters. Total 966 villages in Changzhou achieved the standard of “Three Cleanups and One Green” (e.g. clean up garbage, dung and dirt, rivers and ponds; village greening), and 450 villages obtained solid roads, green landscaping, public health and hygiene, clear ponds, beautiful environment, pubic service centers, long-term management mechanism and rural culture.
        10. Cleaner Rivers
        Since the implementation of “Clear Water Project”, Changzhou has carried out a series of measures such as water dredging, channel extension, pollution interception, ecological restoration, etc. After years of tireless efforts, in 2009, the black and smelly water in the 52 major river ways in the urban area were turned clean through a series of measures. The other river ways will be turned clean by the end of this year. The urban rivers became the leisure resort of the citizens again. The combination of the “three rivers and three parks” formed the new highlights of the urban construction and the new tourist sites. The water environment improvement of the countryside also obtained new achievements. 263 county and town-level rivers were dredged up and 9400-plus pools were renovated.
        2. Improved Facilities
        Through the effort made in recent years, the modern, international, pragmatic and efficient urban function system was formed to match the city status, the economic strength and the people’s livelihood. In the aspect of business, the modernized fashion commercial zone which took Nandajie Pedestrian Mall and Laimeng Plaza as the center was built up in the main city zone. The commercial centers in Wujin District and Xinbei District were formed, while a good many service equipments like four-star and five-star hotels have also been constructed. In culture, a number of key facilities with cultural influence, such as Changzhou Museum, Changzhou City Planning Hall, Changzhou Grand Theatre and Tianning Pagoda, have been built and opened to public. As for sports, Changzhou Olympic Sports Center has been built and put into operation. In the aspect of hygiene, the hygienic resource of Changzhou has been restructured, and a group of general hospitals like Yanghu Hospital and Xinbei Hospital have been planned and constructed, while the network of community hygienic service organizations has been accomplished. The public utilities such as electricity, water and gas supply are developing rapidly while the logistics industry has been prominently improved. Changzhou Harbor has become one of the 1-class open port and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has been extended southward, certificated as the 3-class waterway.


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