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        Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      Statistical Communique of Changzhou on the 2016 Local Economic and Social Development-VII
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      VII. Transportation, Post, Telecommunications and Tourism

      The local transportation developed smoothly. By end of 2016, the total length of highways in Changzhou reached 9,031 km with 306 km of expressways. In 2016, the total passenger traffic stood stood at 72.045 million persons, down by 4.9% over 2015. The total freight traffic stood at 133.961 million tons, up by 3.4%. The passenger traffic handled by highways fell by 7.4% to 54.23 million persons and the passenger flows dropped by 7.7% to 3.71 billion person-kilometers. The freight traffic handled by highways grew by 4% to 110 million tons and the freight flows increased by 4% to 12.2 billion ton-kilometers. The passenger and freight traffic handled by railways grew by 4.8% and 2.9% to 14.343 million persons and 1.089 million tons respectively. Passengers and freight & mails handled by civil aviation reached 1.956 million persons and 15,700 tons, up by 8% and down by 10.9% respectively. Besides, the volume of freight handled by ports grew by 4.5% to 93.85 million tons and the volume handled by the Changzhou Yangtze River Port in particular climbed by 11.4% to 40.31 million tons. By end of 2016, the total number of automobiles for civilian use hit 1.098 million, among which private ones topped 939,000.

      Post and telecommunications services grew fast. The total turnover and revenue of post services reached 4.06 billion and 3.39 billion RMB, up by 38.5% and 30.5% respectively. Revenues of express delivery services surged by 41.3% to 2.45 billion RMB and the volume of express parcels surged by 40.4% to 160 million RMB. The telecommunications services registered a total revenue of 5.47 billion units, up by 3.7%. By end of 2016, there were 1.234 million fixed-line phone subscribers and 5.262 million mobile phone users. Of the total mobile phone users, 3.889 million were 4G service subscribers. In addition, internet users grew to 2.161 million, among which 2.103 million were broadband users.

      Tourism enjoyed a fast growth. In 2016, the local tourism sector generated a total revenue of 83.36 billion RMB, with a year-on-year growth of 14%. The total number of tourists to the city grew by 10.1% to 60.042 million. The city received 59.896 million domestic tourists who contributed to a tourism revenue of 82 billion RMB, up by 10% and 14.2% respectively. It also received 146,000 inbound overnight tourists who generated a tourism revenue of 130 million US dollars, up by 14.9% and 9% respectively. By end of 2016, Changzhou boasted 3 provincial and 1 national holiday resorts, and 32 national Class-A scenic areas, among which were 2 5A scenic areas and 9 4A ones. The city also had 17 national industrial and agricultural tourist demonstration sites, 28 4-star provincial countryside tourist demonstration sites, 4 provincial industrial tourist sites, and 7 provincial tourist bases for self-drive travels. There were also 139 local travel agencies with one Jiangsu Top 20 travel agency. Besides, there were 46 star hotels, among which were 7 5-star hotels and 19 4-star ones. The local tourism sector also witnessed improved services. 67 new tourist toilets were built and 31 were renovated. In addition, 15 new tourist parking grounds (covering an area of 123,000 m2) were created with 283 new parking lots for buses and 2,399 ones for cars. And 282 guide boards were newly created or updated.  


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