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        Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
      English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
      Statistical Communique of Changzhou on the 2016 Local Economic and Social Development-X
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      X. Education, Culture, Public Health and Sports  

      Educational modernization continued to deepen. By end of 2016, the city had a total number of 696 schools with 813,000 registered students and 58,000 faculties. The nine-year compulsory education coverage maintained 100% while gross enrollment rate to senior high schools also stood at 100%. In 2015, Changzhou scored 88.1 points in terms of of educational modernization. The school modernization campaign progressed. Throughout 2016, 52 related projects were listed as key projects for annual examination, 6 projects became operational, 38 projects were under construction, and 8 projects were at the initial paper-work phase. Education at various levels and of different types developed in synergy. Throughout 2016, 20 new provincial premium kindergartens, 13 new municipal premium ones and 7 new municipal featured ones were built. Furthermore, the “Premium Compulsory-Education School Campaign” was started, which witnessed the first group of 6 schools to pass the appraisal. And the “Jiangsu Advanced and Modern Vocational School Campaign” was successfully completed with 8 provincial advanced and modern vocational schools by year’s end, making Changzhou a top city in Jiangsu in this regard. The “Jiangsu Advanced Demonstration Training Base Campaign” was also conducted, with 10 training bases operational and passing relevant appraisal. Changzhou also ranked high in Jiangsu in terms of education quality. 80.6% of national college entrance exam takers in the city reached the second-tier college admission line in 2016, up by 3.1% over 2015 whereas 26.31% reached the first-tier college admission line, up by almost 2%. And the higher technical education admission rate of the city’s vocational school graduates hit 37.6%. Moreover, in terms of the total score, local vocational school students ranked the third place in the 2016 Jiangsu Provincial Vocational School Skill Competition and the second place in the 2016 Jiangsu Skill Championship Competition.

      The local cultural service developed fast. By end of 2016, there were 11 arts performance associations, 8 arts & cultural galleries, 27 museums. There were also 5 public libraries with a total book collection of 3.329 million copies, which received 2.366 million visitors throughout the year. The city also had 7 local radio programs and 7 local TV programs, with subscribers to cable TV programs and digital TV programs hitting 1.16 million and 1.147 million. The Changzhou Museum was qualified for “National First Class Museum” and won the title “2016 Most Creative Chinese Museum”. Also in 2016, the city was qualified for “Jiangsu Public Cultural Service Demonstration Zone” and the city’s four-tier cultural facility network was fundamentally established. Public cultural facilities per 10,000 persons exceeded 1,600 m2. Besides, the mass cultural campaign “Culture 100” was held for three years in a row, with the 2016 campaign launching 10 series of 387 free cultural programs for citizens. The original Xi opera drama the Sunset of Qingguo Alley was performed in Beijing as a key representative drama of Jiangsu. The farce Happy Carrot was selected as a top 10 Jiangsu drama arts project and was staged in the third Jiangsu Arts Festival. In addition, the drama Love in the Dragon City was nominated for the National Peony Award.

      The local public health service continued to improve. By end of 2016, there were 1,267 medical institutions with 25,085 hospital beds across the city. The city’s medical staff totaled 31,000, among which were 12,297 licensed/assistant doctors and 13,394 registered nurses. On average, every one thousand citizens had 2.61 licensed/assistant doctors. Furthermore, comprehensive reforms on public hospitals were further deepened while regional medical alliance system reached 100% coverage. The public health service efficiency was boosted. The per capita subsidy for basic public health services rose to 60 RMB and the qualification rate of citizens’ e-medical records hit 94.7%. Also in 2016, the city improved smart health services and became one of the first national pilot cities for building medical big data centers and industrial parks.

      The local sports service boomed. By end of 2016, Changzhou boasted 12,837 playgrounds, among which were 27 stadiums and 30 gymnasiums. The city’s public sports facilities covered a total area of 1.479 million m2 with 356,000 m2 of newly-added space in 2016. Sports work for public good was further advanced. 25 public fitness demonstration projects were built, including P.K.O. football playgrounds, basketball playgrounds with lighting and fabricated swimming pools. 288 public fitness spots and 2,494 fitness equipment pieces were either created or upgraded. 8 international sports games were held throughout 2016 such as China Badminton Masters, 1st Changzhou International Ballroom Dance Open Championship and Wujin West Taihu Lake Half-Marathon. And 24 national sports games as well as 16 provincial sports games were also held in the city. Moreover, new achievements were made in competitive sports. For instance, 5 Changzhou local athletes and 4 athletes jointly trained by Changzhou municipal and Jiangsu provincial sports authorities participated in the 31st Olympics and won 2 gold medals and 1 bronze medal. The Jiangsu women’s softball team jointly managed by the Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, Changzhou Municipal People’s Government and Najing University of Technology won the National Tournament champion and the Nation Championship champion in 2016.


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