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      Xi stresses making new major breakthroughs in integrated development of Yangtze River Delta
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      Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presided over a symposium on promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta on Nov. 30 in Shanghai, and delivered an important speech. He noted the need to advance the integrated development of the delta, further improve the region's innovation capability, industrial competitiveness and development levels, and develop a new pattern of higher-level reform and opening up. He said that these are of great significance for China to forge a new development paradigm, promote high-quality development, and build itself into a strong country and realize national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization. He emphasized the importance to faithfully implement the new development philosophy on all fronts, focus on the two keywords of integration and high quality, have a global vision and strategic thinking, steadfastly deepen reform, and expand high-level opening up. It is essential to coordinate technological innovation with that in industries, strike a balance between promoting the leadership role of larger enterprises and magnifying the unique strengths of smaller companies, and bolster infrastructure connectivity while improving mechanism coordination. Ecological environment must be protected while economic growth should be promoted. Xi called on the delta to take the lead in promoting common prosperity, make active explorations in the development of modern Chinese civilization, and strive for major breakthroughs in the integrated development of the delta. The delta should be a frontrunner along the Chinese path to modernization, and play its role as a pioneer, role model, and leader for other regions.

      Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council, and Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the CPC Central Committee general office, attended the symposium.

      Xi convened this meeting during his inspection tour in Shanghai. Those who made speeches at the symposium include Zheng Shanjie, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Chen Jining, secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Xin Changxing, secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Yi Lianhong, secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, and Han Jun, secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee. They talked about how the integrated development of the delta fared and put forward suggestions.

      After listening to their speeches, Xi delivered an important speech. He pointed out that in the past five years since the Yangtze River Delta integrated development strategy was proposed and implemented, the system for making plans and policies has been formed and continuously improved, the functions of strong and active growth poles have been continuously consolidated and improved, the development of a modern industrial system has been accelerated, major breakthroughs have been made in coordinated regional development, new headway has been made in reform and opening up, and so has solid progress in concerted endeavors in the protection of ecological environment. As a result, the overall strength and competitiveness of the delta region continue to rank among the forefront of the country. The delta's role as an important window showcasing the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics has become increasingly prominent and so has its role as an important platform for the country's participation in international competition and cooperation. All these have won our country the strategic initiative for building a new development paradigm and promoting high-level opening up. However, there are many deep-seated problems in the integrated development of the delta that need to be solved. The quality and efficiency of its development and its exemplary role of radiation are to be advanced, and so is the integration of key areas and key regions. The division of labor and cooperation in industrial and supply chains needs to be improved, and greater play is yet to be given to the delta's leading role of building a unified national market. Reform and opening up need to be further expanded, and there are still many shortfalls as far as the governance and development of megacities are concerned. Promoting the integrated development of the delta is a significant task that requires steadfast progress and uninterrupted efforts so that we can keep writing new chapters in this regard.

      Xi stressed the need for the delta to strengthen cross-regional collaboration in scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. It is necessary to vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the deep integration of innovation in technology and industries, so as to foster new industries, modes and models, expand room for development, cultivate new growth drivers, and better connect with the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and give impetus to the development of the country. Efforts should be made to integrate cross-regional and cross-department resources for scientific and technological innovation in order to achieve combined strengths and build a hub for scientific and technological innovation. It is also important to participate in international cooperation in science and technology with a more open mindset and measures to create an innovation environment with more global competitiveness.

      Xi pointed out that it is essential to accelerate the improvement of the institutions and mechanisms for the integrated development in the delta region. It is a must to break down regional divisions and administrative barriers in terms of institutional mechanisms to institutionally secure integrated development. The awareness about integration must be strengthened to keep in mind overall planning and intensify efforts in the innovation in institutions and mechanisms, so as to achieve greater breakthroughs in key areas and regions, strengthen the systematic integration and coordination of reform measures and extend deeper integration to a wide range of areas. Efforts should be made to promote the systematic dovetailing, policy coordination and convergence of standards in basic public services in a step-by-step manner, and facilitate the sharing of public services in various fields. It is necessary to strengthen the cross-regional standardization of various transportation networks so as to improve the level of infrastructure interconnectivity. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of demonstration zones for green and integrated ecological development of the delta, improve the territorial and spatial planning system of demonstration zones, strengthen cross-regional coordination and integration of planning, land and project construction, and expedite the institutional innovation from regional project coordination to regional integration. It is important to promote cross-regional joint development and sharing, orderly advance cross-regional industrial transfer and rational allocation of production factors, so that the delta can truly become a regional community of shared development.

      Xi stressed that the delta should vigorously promote high-level coordinated opening up, and emphasis should be placed on institutional opening up. He stressed the need for the delta to strengthen mutual learning, replication and promotion of reform experience, and strive to become a powerful engine for unimpeded flows in the economy and a strategic hub connecting domestic and international markets. It is imperative to accelerate the development of Shanghai as a financial, trade, innovation, globalization and consumers' center, expedite the pilot comprehensive reform in Pudong New Area, further boost the radiating capacity of the Hongqiao International Open Hub, vigorously implement the strategy of upgrading the pilot free trade zone, and promote the opening up of the Lingang new area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone at a higher level. It is necessary to promote the integration between the integrated development of the delta and high-quality development under the Belt and Road Initiative, and promote the delta's competitive production capacity, high-quality equipment, applicable technologies and standards to go global. The delta should take the lead in implementing policies and measures to encourage, support and guide the healthy development of the private economy, further optimize the development environment for private enterprises, and promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy.

      Xi noted that the delta's concerted efforts in the protection and governance of the ecological environment should be strengthened. He said the red lines for ecological protection should be interconnected seamlessly among the three provinces and one municipality in the delta, joint protection of major ecological shields and corridors should be advanced, prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution should be strengthened, and coordinated efforts should be further made to protect and restore the water bodies across different regions. Different regions should collaborate on formulating policies on energy conservation as well as emission and carbon reduction to build a regional green manufacturing sector. Efforts should also be made to promote clean production in all respects, make energy conservation and carbon emission reduction in key areas and sectors more effective, and strengthen and optimize the green and low-carbon industries, so as to foster a green industrial system and speed up the development of sustainable ways of production and life. It is also imperative to establish a mechanism for transferring pollutant discharge rights among different regions, and work actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching carbon emissions peaking and carbon neutrality. A system for new energy resources should be planned and developed, and the mutual support on electric power among different provinces and cities should be advanced in a coordinated manner. Xi also called for continuous efforts to enforce the ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River and strengthen joint law enforcement. Mechanisms to realize the market value of ecological goods and services should be refined, and new paths should be explored to turn the ecological advantages into impetus for economic growth.

      Xi stressed that the delta should focus on improving its capacity for maintaining safe development. It is imperative to pursue a holistic approach to national security, continue to get prepared for worst-case scenarios, and ensure both development and security. The delta must keep an eye on sectors such as science, industries and finance as well as major infrastructure that bear on national and regional security, and strengthen the system and capacity for prevention and control of risks to reinforce the foundation for safe development. The strengths of a complete industrial system with strong capabilities of coordination in the delta should be given full play, and steps should be taken to strengthen and mend chains in key areas and crucial links essential to national development and the people's well-being, and industrial cooperation with the central and western regions should be strengthened, so as to improve the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains.

      Institutional opening up in the financial sector should be steadily expanded to upgrade the facilitation of cross-border investment and financing, and at the same time whole-process risk prevention and control should be strengthened to better safeguard national financial security. High regard should be given to security in conducting foreign cooperation and guiding the rational and orderly cross-border deployment of industrial chains. By engaging local residents in building their own cities, modern urban governance should be improved to accelerate the development of resilient cities, optimize urban security system, strengthen urban operating system, and boost capacity in disaster prevention, reduction, and relief.

      Xi noted that the Party's overall leadership must be upheld in promoting the integrated development of the delta region. Full play must be given to the functions of the Central Leading Group for Coordinated Regional Development, and to the strategic guiding role of the planned outlines. The region's three provinces and one municipality must faithfully implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee, strengthen organizational leadership and efforts in investigation and research, boost coordination through consultation and supervision, so as to facilitate the resolution of major issues, ensure the implementation of major reforms, and promote the fulfillment of key tasks. It is imperative to build high-quality, professional officials who are committed, clean, and have strong sense of responsibility, and to encourage officials to boldly explore and take responsibility as well as excel in their work. It is imperative to carry out the second round of theoretical study program, further exercise full and rigorous Party self-governance, and take coordinated steps to see that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to become corrupt. It is essential to strengthen the political and organizational functions of Party organizations at all levels, to make sure that work in all aspects will be done to the best of their endeavors with strict discipline, practical style, and ethical integrity.

      Li Qiang emphasized the need to conscientiously study and implement the gist of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech. He said that the delta's integrated development should be considered in the context of national development, and be planned in accordance with the delta's exemplary role for the country's high-quality development. He stressed that the delta should play an important role as an economic growth pole, an engine of development, and an experimental field for reform, in order to better support and serve Chinese modernization. Li called for smoother flow in the economy, rational flow and efficient allocation of resources and production factors, and the development of a unified national market to guide the rational layout of industries and the economy. He also emphasized the need to actively align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, expand institutional opening up, create a high-level gateway for opening up, and boost domestic market's appeal to international goods and resources as well as production factors. Li urged the delta to leverage its strengths, highlight its characteristics, deepen regional cooperation, and empower each other between different areas, so as to transform local strengths into regional ones and improve the overall efficiency of regional development.

      Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, Mu Hong, and Jiang Xinzhi attended the symposium. Also present at the meeting were leading officials of the relevant central Party and government departments, and leading officials of relevant local governments and some enterprises.


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